Shooting Sports
Are you wanting to explore more options with shooting sports? You're in the right place! Wander Woman has an array of shooting options, whether you're trying to expand your current skillset or learn more or even just get started-there's something for you!
Shotgun Clinics
Join certified NSCA instructor for a hands-on educational clinic designed to support beginner and novice shooters. Participants will learn the ins and out of shotgun handling and learn sporting clay techniques.
Basic Rifle Certification
Our Basic Rifle Certification course jumpstarts your firearm education. This course is designed to teach the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for safe firearm and rifle handling. This hybrid course is taught in both the classroom and the range.
Trap League
Sign up to shoot with us on our Trap League team at Powder Creek Shooting Park. Seasons are open for Spring, Summer and Fall. Submit your interest below!
NRL22 Match Support
Sign up to be on the Wander Squad for local NRL22 Matches! Wander Woman can provide coaching, support and gear! Matches are held the 4th Saturday of every Month in Ottawa, KS
Wander Woman has two certified NASP Instructors on staff. NASP is an introductory archery method, and Wander Woman can help you get started and teach you the basics!
Jessica White
Jessica is a Certified Level I NSCA Shotgun instructor, and certified NASP Archery Instructor. She has been a certified shotgun instructor since 2021 and provides free educational opportunities for Wander Woman members. Jessica organizes the Trap League teams. Jessica is available for 1:1 coaching.
Julia Urban
Julia is a Certified Rifle Instructor and avid long-range precision shooter. Julia provides basic instruction and safe-firearm handling courses, as well as NRL22 Match support. She is also a NASP Archery instructor. Julia is available for 1:1 coaching.